Marshfield Community Hall Mural
I was approached by the committee of Marshfield Village Hall earlier in the year who wanted a mural painted on a big blank space on the side of their building.
We had a good chat about themes and ideas and decided that the mural should depict local activities, buildings and wildlife.
Marshfield is between Newport and Cardiff and is on the Gwent levels, which is quite an amazing landscape originally reclaimed from the sea by the Romans.
The mural depicts a grey heron, a shrill carder bee (very rare and found locally), St Mary’s church and local pubs, shops. There’s people running, playing football and walking their dogs – all requested as part of the quite detailed brief. The roses are to commemorate a young lad who sadly died recently. He had been a keen footballer and an active and popular member of the community.

It was mainly painted using graffiti sprays with some details on the buildings painted in acrylic inks